Test Name:- Energy Quanta Test
Age group:- For Couples with difficulty in Conception
Language:- English & Marathi
Donation contribution:- Rs. 1250/- per Couple (This same amount is applicable even if one person is taking the test.)
Test by Appointment only
Contact on:- Monday to Sunday; 9am to 12noon
Phone:- (02114) 234320/ 1 / 2
Every one seeks to have a baby, but for some people this desire remains unfulfilled. Some people are unable to have a baby, though both are physically fit. This situation is becoming graver as the time is progressing. There can be many reasons like stress behind the inability to have a baby.
In this questionnaire based test, we try to examine the personality type of the participant. Based on it, suggestions to increase the compatible energy are provided to the couple.