Test Name:- Multiple Intelligence Test
Age group:- 15 to 25 years
Language:- English/Marathi
Duration of Counseling:- 30 minutes
Donation contribution:- Rs. 625/-
Test is taken by Appointment only
Contact on:- Monday to Friday; 9am to 12noon
Phone:- (02114) 234320, 234321
Mobile:- 89751 57035, 72490 01232
This is a very interesting test, based on the theory of Multiple Intelligence by Dr. Howard Gardner. The test is useful to students, wherever they need to make a choice about their career; especially, after 10th, 12th, graduation up to higher studies. Multiple Intelligence consists of eight types of intelligence. From this test, we can assess the levels of these different types of intelligence, in the student. After the test, the computerized report is emailed to you. The results are discussed during the counseling session, which is taken at a mutually convenient time.