Test Name:- Janmottar (Post-birth) Sanskar
Age group:- For Parents of Kids from 3 months to 2 years
Language:- English & Marathi
Donation contribution:- Rs.1250/- per Couple (This same amount is applicable even if one person is taking the test.)
Test by Appointment only
Contact on: Monday to Sunday; 9am to 12noon
Phone:- (02114) 234320/ 1 / 2
The grasping power of kids at young age is tremendous. That is the reason why those kids absorb the mental state and the thought process of the people accompanying them, along with the absorption of knowledge. It implies that those kids absorb the virtues and follies of parents, especially the follies! That makes it important to purify the emotional environment in order to ensure that the child is nurtured in a proper way.
In that respect, a test is conducted on the mother and the father after the birth and it helps them correct or purify their thought processes. Eventually it becomes beneficial for the kid.